Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Zika on the Rise!

Zika on the Rise!

By:  Roxanne Edwards

2/10/2016- If you haven’t heard about Zika, you can read about it here! Zika- a mosquito borne virus that was discovered in Uganda in 1947, but was first found in humans 5 years later in Brazil has reemerged, and reports are that more than 4000 cases have been found across the Americas and the Caribbean.

Among the many cases, Zika which is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes is believed to have more adverse effects on fetal development when passed from a pregnant woman to her unborn baby.  Reports are that a serious birth defect that results in a neurological disorder and an undersized head known as microcephaly has been linked to pregnant women carrying the Zika virus.  Researchers are using evidences to tie in how the virus is linked or contributes to the disease. 

Another source has confirmed 404 cases of microcephaly in Brazil in newborns, and these cases have been linked to the Zika Virus. To date, 15 babies have died from microcephaly, and five of the cases have been traced to Zika, authorities have reported.

Researchers also believe the virus can be caught from having sexual intercourse with a partner already infected, and WHO said the virus could affect up to 4 million people this year.

 “I think we’ll discover a lot of parallels,” said Dr. Mark R. Schleiss, the director of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology at the University of Minnesota Medical School, affirming that findings so far should be sufficient for making a reasonable conclusion in the future.

Now, authorities are faced with a challenge in ensuring the virus does not spread to other regions. So far, the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of February 3, 2016 has reported a total of 35 travel associated cases of the Zika virus within the U.S, with Florida and Texas carrying the highest numbers - 9 and 8 cases respectively.

Authorities are asking individuals and particularly pregnant women to put off travel arrangements to South and Central America, the Caribbean and Pacific Islands until further notices are given.

In the meantime, remember to report any appearance of fever, rash, joint pain, conjunctivitis (red eyes), muscle pain and headache to your primary care physician (PCP), as these are known symptoms of Zika.  The virus is usually not fatal and symptoms may last for a week.  There is currently no cure for the Zika virus.


Roxanne is a writer, blogger and visual media host of kids and moms health, lifestyle, fashion and food features.  You can contact her at:
Like her on Facebook at Roxanne Edwards
Follow her on Instagram at Roxanne.P.Edwards
and visit her Blog at:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Recent Woes With Tap Water

Recent Woes With Tap Water

By:  Roxanne Edwards

 2/4/2016- Do you ever wonder why your tap water runs brown or has a chemical or sulfury fetor? Well, it could be that your water supply is contaminated, as lately this has been a growing problem among many U.S residents as well as people living in other parts of the world.

Water impurity poses a serious threat to population health, and can transmit diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and polio causing as much as 842, 000 diarrheal deaths each year, states the World Health Organization.

Given the nature of these reports, many would find such water conditions uninhabitable.  Jennifer Mason, mother of 2, Flint resident and  and English teacher says some days the chlorine smell was so strong "it would burn their eyes, and on days when she would full the tub for her kids the water would give off an earthy smell."

Though recent cries of Flint residents have led to social uproars, from a more global perspective it seems this is certainly not where all issues with contaminated water will end, as WHO has informed that by the year 2025, half of the world’s population will be living in water-stressed areas, due largely to re-use of waste water to recover water, nutrients, or energy.

So how much damage can contaminated water cause?  “The health effects of drinking contaminated water can range from no physical impact to severe illness or even death,” states Halton Region.   According to Halton Region, Nausea, vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea are some examples of gastrointestinal and stomach illnesses that can manifest as a result of consuming contaminated water.   

Other health threats are: cancer, tooth skeletal damage and schistosomiasis (a disease caused by parasitic worms) which has affected over 240 million people worldwide.  In addition to this WHO has reported that of the 842, 000 diarrheal deaths each year, 361, 000 are children under the age of 5 and these deaths could have been avoided if risk factors were addressed.

“I can’t imagine being a parent of a child whose health has been affected in a way that is irreversible,” expressed Jennifer. 

Since 2014, WHO has been testing household water treatment products against WHO health-based performance criteria through the WHO International ‘Scheme’ to Evaluate Household Water Treatment Technologies...WHO works closely with UNICEF in a number of areas concerning water and health.  For example, the integrated global action plan to end preventable child deaths from pneumonia and diarrhea by 2025 (GAPPD) sets out several prevention and treatment targets, including achieving universal access to drinking water in health care facilities and homes by 2030 (WHO, 2016).

In the meantime, city authorities implore residents to consume safer water alternatives, such as prepackaged bottled water which are being issued at no cost by representatives in affected cities; they also encourage residents to purchase water at nearest stores. 


Roxanne is a writer, blogger and visual media host of kids and moms health and lifestyle features.  You can contact her at:
Like her on Facebook at Roxanne Edwards
Follow her on Instagram at Roxanne.P.Edwards
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